How we can help
GKLEIN Consulting has the capacity to work on any aspect of a complex legal problem:
Expert Testimony
Discovery Consulting
Brief Writing
Case Strategies
Data Review
Settlement Review and Monitoring
Compliance with Complex Regulation
Mr. Klein has led projects across a range of complex issues including mortgage regulation, auto lending and sales practices, gun regulation, internet gaming, and enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Housing Acts. He has also been a lead lobbyist on issues including bankruptcy, debt collection, high rate lending, gaming, and gun law.
Over many years, he has developed unparalleled background in appellate practice, trial presentation, complex discovery problems,class actions, multidistrict litigation, and organizing cross-organizational teams. He successfully drafted legislation to protect consumers, to regulate internet businesses and to enhance public safety through gun regulation.
He has testified as an expert in many contexts, both in court and in legislative forums. He has litigated in in seven federal courts of appeals and in District Courts across the country. He has a unique set of national contacts among lawyers, legislators, regulators, business leaders and public officials.
Get in touch
Free consultations are available on short notice. There is no charge for our work until you decide if we can help.